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2 posters

    What's up BEER CLAN!

    Bus Ride
    Bus Ride

    Number of posts : 1
    Likes : 1
    Registration date : 2016-10-05

    What's up BEER CLAN! Empty What's up BEER CLAN!

    Post by Eagle_One_ Wed 05 Oct 2016, 11:08 pm

    Eagle here, what's up Paul! Thanks for inviting to your forum brotha!! I have seen some of your past youtube BF4 streams, good stuff!!

    Well, I have played Socom since day one, was Blaster20 in Socom 1, changed to Eagle_One_ for S2 and changed to Eagle_F15_ at the end of Confrontation, literally 2 months before Sony shut it down.

    Now, I'm back to Eagle_One_ as I help test and volunteer my time on Project Confrontation! Let's just say it's a fresh start from that other project.

    Again thanks Paul! See you guys soon...G^


    Male Number of posts : 1150
    Location : Texas
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    Registration date : 2008-12-24

    What's up BEER CLAN! Empty Re: What's up BEER CLAN!

    Post by Admin Thu 06 Oct 2016, 11:41 am

    Thanks for the visit really appreciate it. I saw the Project on the TRS forums, looks promising. I enjoy making Youtube vids, been awhle since i put up a new one. Whats your thoughts on the new BF1?

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Dec 2024, 12:16 am