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    So I sold my Socom 4 at Gamestop....

    Bus Ride
    Bus Ride

    Number of posts : 7
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    Registration date : 2011-05-04

    So I sold my Socom 4 at Gamestop.... Empty So I sold my Socom 4 at Gamestop....

    Post by Wilk108Cav Wed 08 Jun 2011, 12:32 pm

    Due to none of my PSN friends playing, very few from this clan playing, crappy maps, game modes, no party system...you get the idea. They had a deal going for extra cash for trade-ins. Here's the deal I got:

    Traded in Socom 4, MW2 (xbox), CODWAW (ps3), Madden 11(xbox), and NCAA 10(ps3). In return I got AC Brotherhood, Arkham Asylum, and Gran Turismo 5, and it cost me $23. Socom 4 alone was worth $32. (I'm a power plus member, gives me a little more bang for my buck)

    I figure I'll watch the forums, see how the patches do, and then if they are successful, re-buy S4 from the bargain bin. Or MW3 and BF3 will be out...

    Male Number of posts : 981
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    So I sold my Socom 4 at Gamestop.... Empty Re: So I sold my Socom 4 at Gamestop....

    Post by PAUL-AWOL- Wed 08 Jun 2011, 2:50 pm

    Socom 4 was supposed to save what is left of Socom Clans and it didn't cut it. The guys left playing are spread out. Some people play Socom 4, some play COD Black Ops and the rest play BC2.

    Nothing you can do about the game, it sucks and trying to join a room with anyone just blows.

    Sounds like a good deal on Socom 4, I may trade it on on MW3 and BF3.

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Dec 2024, 11:57 pm