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    Zipine Podcast 6


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    Zipine Podcast 6 Empty Zipine Podcast 6

    Post by Admin Fri 28 May 2010, 11:34 pm

    Zipline Podcast, Episode 6 Posted by Chris Roper

    The work week is over (for everyone not crunching away on E3 demos), but we don't want to send you into the weekend without something to listen to. Hence, we bring you the latest episode of Zipline! Senior Designer CJ Heine joins us this week to talk both MAG and SOCOM 4, and even give some insight into the development of past Zipper titles (like SOCOM II). It's fun for the whole family!
    Zipine Podcast 6 4647607251_ef596be8a1
    Zipline Podcast, Episode 6
    34.4MB | 37m:32s
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