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    Zipper's Podcast on April 23


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    Zipper's Podcast on April 23 Empty Zipper's Podcast on April 23

    Post by Admin Thu 15 Apr 2010, 4:08 pm

    Zipper Podcast Begins April 23 Posted by Jeremy Dunham

    What’s up people? Today’s blog entry is a short one, but we think it’s still pretty sweet! Starting Friday, April 23, we’re kicking off the official Zipper Interactive weekly podcast and we want you to be a part of it.
    "How can I be involved" you ask? It’s simple! Just click on this official Zipper Podcast Q&A thread and send us your questions. We’ll be accepting your queries all the way up to the day before the show to answer on-air. Keep in mind that we won’t be able to answer all your questions just yet, so don’t be discouraged if we don’t pick your particular Q for our initial show.
    To make things more interesting we’re welcoming special guest and SOCOM 4 lead designer, Travis Steiner, to join your hosts Chris Roper and Jeremy Dunham (that's me) as we christen our maiden voyage into the Interweb. What will we talk about it? Check back the afternoon of April 23 to find out!

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Dec 2024, 11:55 pm