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3 posters

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL


    Male Number of posts : 1150
    Location : Texas
    Likes : 1
    Registration date : 2008-12-24

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Empty Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL

    Post by Admin Thu 11 Mar 2010, 4:35 pm

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Redneck_rampage1_screenshot1

    Last edited by Admin on Wed 07 Apr 2010, 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Buds Training
    Buds Training

    Male Number of posts : 62
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    Registration date : 2009-04-15

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Empty Re: Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL

    Post by BENDER-FLEXO Wed 07 Apr 2010, 1:48 pm

    redneck rampage
    Blink / Tub3
    Blink / Tub3
    Buds Training
    Buds Training

    Male Number of posts : 85
    Age : 49
    Location : Houston, TX
    Likes : 3
    Registration date : 2009-08-13

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Empty Re: Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL

    Post by Blink / Tub3 Thu 08 Apr 2010, 3:03 pm

    That's not a game it's a pic of AWOL & his bro on a hunting trip! lol

    Male Number of posts : 1150
    Location : Texas
    Likes : 1
    Registration date : 2008-12-24

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Empty Re: Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL

    Post by Admin Thu 08 Apr 2010, 7:56 pm

    We know who the Rican Redneck is. LOL.
    Blink / Tub3
    Blink / Tub3
    Buds Training
    Buds Training

    Male Number of posts : 85
    Age : 49
    Location : Houston, TX
    Likes : 3
    Registration date : 2009-08-13

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Empty Re: Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL

    Post by Blink / Tub3 Fri 09 Apr 2010, 9:10 am

    lol!!!I think I am the only one in the state of Texas! lol
    Buds Training
    Buds Training

    Male Number of posts : 62
    Likes : 0
    Registration date : 2009-04-15

    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Empty Re: Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL

    Post by BENDER-FLEXO Fri 09 Apr 2010, 9:41 am

    I played Battlefield last night with about 8 of our clan members. I thought was good, I am going to buy it now.

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    Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL Empty Re: Can anyone tell me what game this is. LOL

    Post by Sponsored content

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