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3 posters

    OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released,


    Male Number of posts : 213
    Age : 57
    Location : Orlando Florida
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    Registration date : 2009-05-09

    OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released, Empty OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released,

    Post by RadRon Mon 19 Sep 2011, 3:29 pm

    i have three personal days off,for that week , who else is going to join me on these days. im going to be playn pretty much all the time , already told the wife,,

    Male Number of posts : 1150
    Location : Texas
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    Registration date : 2008-12-24

    OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released, Empty Re: OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released,

    Post by Admin Mon 19 Sep 2011, 6:45 pm

    RadRon wrote:i have three personal days off,for that week , who else is going to join me on these days. im going to be playn pretty much all the time , already told the wife,,

    If I was still in the Coast Guard no doubt I would take a day or 2 off for the release. I will be lucky to play it the same night with my new job. Sleep
    Bus Ride
    Bus Ride

    Male Number of posts : 16
    Age : 59
    Location : Socom,Ca.
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    Registration date : 2011-02-02

    OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released, Empty Re: OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released,

    Post by (>B<)B1LLYBAD Fri 21 Oct 2011, 9:46 pm

    OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released, Battlefield-3-Game-Informer-Wallpaper-1680x1050-1-1-1

    Sponsored content

    OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released, Empty Re: OK who all is going to play hookey on 10/25/2011 the day BF3 is released,

    Post by Sponsored content

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