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2 posters

    To Th3 Cor3 Tournaments

    Bus Ride
    Bus Ride

    Male Number of posts : 16
    Age : 59
    Location : Socom,Ca.
    Likes : 0
    Registration date : 2011-02-02

    To Th3 Cor3 Tournaments  Empty To Th3 Cor3 Tournaments

    Post by (>B<)B1LLYBAD Thu 31 Mar 2011, 9:40 pm

    We started way back in 2009,but
    as socom confrontation started losing
    its strided by early 2010 we put the site
    on hold after our paintball tournament ended.
    We decided to open up
    our site again.We are looking for staff members and
    a few more graphics personal.We are a A tournament site for gamers who needs a place to hold their tournaments.Be it a Socom or COD or any other game.A fair playing non cheating community of gamers.
    Occasionally we will also hold tournaments but most of the time
    it will be other clans holding their tournaments on our site.Feel
    free to stop by fill out a app of your choice tell others of this site.
    Bus Ride
    Bus Ride

    Male Number of posts : 9
    Age : 43
    Location : Katy, Texas
    Likes : 0
    Registration date : 2011-04-22

    To Th3 Cor3 Tournaments  Empty Re: To Th3 Cor3 Tournaments

    Post by Joker Fri 22 Apr 2011, 12:24 pm

    I like the Idea I will be checking out the site!

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Dec 2024, 12:13 am