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    First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet

    Hell Week
    Hell Week

    Male Number of posts : 104
    Age : 51
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    Registration date : 2010-08-03

    First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet Empty First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet

    Post by major_woody_ Sat 30 Oct 2010, 9:07 am

    First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet

    Its finally time for the first Black Ops zombie footage but be quick because activision will remove it soon!

    Male Number of posts : 981
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    Registration date : 2009-05-02

    First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet Empty Re: First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet

    Post by PAUL-AWOL- Sun 31 Oct 2010, 6:24 pm

    Well I am actually lokking forward to this game, I think it's gonna be a fun game to break the slow spell everyone seems to be having.
    Hell Week
    Hell Week

    Male Number of posts : 104
    Age : 51
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    Registration date : 2010-08-03

    First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet Empty Re: First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet

    Post by major_woody_ Mon 01 Nov 2010, 6:46 am

    It should be fun for awhile.
    Though, I wasn't to happy with MW2.
    So, I kind of have mixed feelings about BO.
    I just hope it's more like the original MW and less noob friendly.

    Male Number of posts : 981
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    Registration date : 2009-05-02

    First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet Empty Re: First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet

    Post by PAUL-AWOL- Mon 01 Nov 2010, 6:34 pm

    I look at it like this, I paid 60 dollars for way worse games thru out the year and COD BO has to be better, so far COD hasn't been that bad. Yeah the game play does get old after awhile, but I think this game along with the BC2 Vietnam Download will hold me over until Socom 4 comes out next year.

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    First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet Empty Re: First Call of Duty: Black Ops zombie footage on the Internet

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