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Chris Roper
Community Specialist, Zipper Interactive
General nonsense
SOCOM 4 due in 2011 - Want extra time for polishing
MAG Patch 1.07 coming in early august. Talking up 'Happy Hour' and other fixes mentioned in the blog.
New MAG poll. Leaving game/disconnecting counts as loss. Voting ends august 10th.
Readressing the SOCOM 4 weapons system. Side specific weapons scavenging in multiplayer.
SOCOM 4 will be in Germany [on a show I presume].
Introducing Cade Myers.
SOCOM 4 is still in pre-alpha stage.
Will MAG have single player/coop mode? Um.... no.
SOCOM dynamic theme on PSN store? Nothing planned, but likely.
Domination map updates in MAG? Yes, Raven and Valor maps will be updated in 1.07
Weapon attachments? Yes, but no details.
Will SOCOM 4 characters be able to swim? No. Nothing in the story requires it.
What's the news in the MAG clan project? Nothing, but the name will be "Clan Deploy".
Will there be night vision in SOCOM 4? No.
Will there be faster reload times in SOCOM 4? Yes
Will there be more SMGs in MAG? No.
Improved grenade arch in SOCOM? It's been tweaked.
What's the greatest challenge in meeting expectations for SOCOM? Making mechanics work, kinda. While listening to the community voice.
Will there be a sollution for the voice-overs in netural Sabo and Suppression? Probably.
What is more important in a shooter? (personal preference) AI.
Is there a push to talk button in SOCOM? Haven't decided.
Will there be health regeneration in SOCOM multiplayer? Haven't gotten to that stage in development yet.
Cinema mode in SOCOM? No
Zip Tip: Keep it simple stupid!