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3 posters

    Message for PAUL AWOL

    Bus Ride
    Bus Ride

    Male Number of posts : 2
    Age : 57
    Location : Harker Heights, TX
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    Registration date : 2010-06-02

    Message for PAUL AWOL Empty Message for PAUL AWOL

    Post by Lowbo Sat 03 Jul 2010, 8:53 am

    Hey Paul Awol

    I'm pretty sure you would remember me from with 30+ clan PFEEL and Reeko.

    I just received a message from one of you administrators about account in activity.

    At Present time I'm deployed in Iraq.

    Would appreciate if I wasn't dropped for inactivity due to the fact I don't always have internet in Iraq.


    Male Number of posts : 1150
    Location : Texas
    Likes : 1
    Registration date : 2008-12-24

    Message for PAUL AWOL Empty Re: Message for PAUL AWOL

    Post by Admin Sat 03 Jul 2010, 8:59 am

    This is AWOL,, sorry Lowbo, it must be an automatic message, I know you well and yes I do remember you. I will look into this and correct it, no problem. Come home safe and maybe we can get a game or 2 on Socom 4 soon. I can't wait for Socom 4 to come out, Message for PAUL AWOL Icon_cheers
    Buds Training
    Buds Training

    Male Number of posts : 62
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    Registration date : 2009-04-15

    Message for PAUL AWOL Empty Re: Message for PAUL AWOL

    Post by BENDER-FLEXO Sun 04 Jul 2010, 3:59 pm

    Hey Lowbo this is Gunzilla, welcome back.

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    Message for PAUL AWOL Empty Re: Message for PAUL AWOL

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