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    Bad Company Battlefield 2


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    Bad Company Battlefield 2 Empty Bad Company Battlefield 2

    Post by Admin Tue 22 Jun 2010, 1:29 am

    This game is starting to become highly addictive with me, I haven't played a game in years that I actually look forward to playing. The only issue that sucks is the 4 man sqaud set up. Wish they would expand that to 8 man squads, that would be great. Can't wait for the Vietnam Down loadable Content.

    Buds Training
    Buds Training

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    Bad Company Battlefield 2 Empty Re: Bad Company Battlefield 2

    Post by Echo55hotel Tue 22 Jun 2010, 7:28 pm

    I agree need comms with more squads.......the lag seems to be bad..is it just me

    Male Number of posts : 1150
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    Bad Company Battlefield 2 Empty Re: Bad Company Battlefield 2

    Post by Admin Tue 22 Jun 2010, 9:24 pm

    The comms only works with in your own squad. If there are 4 of us playing in our squad, we can only hear the 4 of us. That is what sux about the game in my opinion. They need to patch in an update so more people can be on a squad. Thats why when there is 4 Beer guys playing and one of us cant hear our guys, it's because that person is not part of the 4 man original squad set up, you can join the room but can't talk with us. Pretty much if your a late joiner to the room and the 4 man squad Beer squad is full, your fighting with us but can't hear each other.

    Male Number of posts : 479
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    Bad Company Battlefield 2 Empty Re: Bad Company Battlefield 2

    Post by I_Seiran_I Sat 26 Jun 2010, 12:34 am

    Yeah, that is kind of lame. They should definitely expand it.
    Bus Ride
    Bus Ride

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    Bad Company Battlefield 2 Empty Re: Bad Company Battlefield 2

    Post by [HOD]sniper4370 Sat 26 Jun 2010, 11:31 pm

    The only work around to this is, have everyone leave the squad. If you are not in a squad then you can all talk. Bad part is, everyone else can talk and hear as well, and no spawning on each other. Definitely a downer. 8 would be a lot better, but then I think they would have to go to 16 person squads to prevent clans from taking over an entire public room.

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