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    The Real Socom Podcast


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    The Real Socom Podcast Empty The Real Socom Podcast

    Post by Admin Wed 16 Jun 2010, 10:04 pm

    The Real SOCOM Podcast - Episode 6

    Hey everyone!

    Me and Hellman are back again with a new episode of The Real SOCOM Podcast for the week of E3. In this episode we discuss our feelings on what we've seen on SOCOM 4 thus far, how the "Abandoned" pre-order bonus map is being handled, some hopes for online play, and end it with our overall thoughts on this year's E3 - specifically the three major press conferences.

    Hope you all enjoy it. Feel free to comment here with any feedback, or you can also email me at daviddoel@therealsocom.com. I read and respond to every email so don't be afraid to tell me your thoughts.

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