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    Socom Gamer Improvement tips.


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    Socom Gamer Improvement tips. Empty Socom Gamer Improvement tips.

    Post by Admin Mon 08 Feb 2010, 10:00 am


    Many new players do not know the advantages of altering your game/controller settings


    1) Go to Game Options and change your camera setting to "Classic"... this allows you to see much more area around you and makes camping (when need be) much more efficient

    2) Go to Wirelss Controller Settings and Change your settings for your Look Speed, Acceleration, Dead Zone
    - "Look Speed"... Move bar all the way to the RIGHT (max)
    - "Acceleration"... Move bar all the way to the RIGHT (max)
    - "Dead Zone"... Move bar all the way to the LEFT (none)


    1) Everyone has their own play style..so use the weapons/attachments/armor that you find to best fit you (personally i like light armor torso and heavy armor legs)... Many people prefer light armor due to the speed advantage

    2) To get used to aiming i recommend using a SUB MACHINE GUN... the cross hairs on these guns have a small circle radius..hence making focusing on your target easier... As you get more used to the aiming in the game swich to guns that match your playing style

    3) While i said before to use what works for you i recommend NOT using a lasersight, it gives away your posistion..and stealth is key in this game


    1) COMMUNICATE**** very very important....without good communication your team is bound to fail, Use the areas that i listed above for calling out enemies so your team can help you

    2) FOCUS ON OBJECTIVE & KNOW WHAT YOU ARE PLAYING: far too often i see people simply camping back..not helping out the rest of their team..the objectives are what make you win the game...not sitting back hiding from the enemy

    3) STICK TOGETHER: being singled out is almost a guranteed recipe for disaster

    4) Watch for a HOT GUN: a "hot gun" or a "Guns Up" in SOCOM means that as your character is walking around he will suddenly bring is gun up to his face as though he is aiming into it. This means that an enemy is VERY close to you and that you should watch out... (This is a GREAT way to find campers) Make sure you call out your hot gun location for your team.

    5) Do the Shuffle!
    - A common tactic used in this game is called the "SOCOM shuffle" this is simply shuffling back and fourth when in a gun fight in order to keep your enemy from getting a clear shot on you (which is why we lowered your Dead Zone earlier)

    6) Don't Waste Ammo!
    - Your ammo in this game is limited and your clips do not fully replenish with a reload like on games such as COD or RSV2, once you come back to your clip that you used earlier you are stuck with the amount of bullets you had in it when you reloaded previously, This tip also means to shoot your gun accurately do not just "pray and spray"... try shooting your gun in bursts...this is more accurate and often more efficient than holding down the trigger, especially from a long distance

    7) Watch for votes
    - Voting in SOCOM is often used to help dead players communicate to alive players. A vote means that there is an enemy either behind or near your team mate or yourself. If you have a vote called on you look behind you, and return the favor to your team mates...Be careful not to vote them out however.

    CoolDemolition Tips

    How to Win (Seals): Plant the bomb, Difuse a Planted bomb, Kill all enemies
    How to Win (Mercs): Plant the bomb, Difuse a Planted bomb, Kill all enemies

    - If you are the last alive and the other team has you very outnumbered (5+ people) and you are on the other side of the map from the bomb plant...commit suicide in order to keep the enemy from planting..(plants are what break the ties) it is cheap but it can save your team in the long run
    - Be smart about planting (make sure the area is clear!)
    - Tell your team that you are planting if you are
    - Make sure there is someone watching your plant site for your team..(sneaky plants stink Socom Gamer Improvement tips. 16x16_smiley-sad )

    9) Extraction Tips

    How to Win (Seals): Extract Hostages, Kill all enemies
    How to Win (Mercs): Kill All Enemies, Allow round time to reach 0:00

    Merc Tips
    - DO NOT allow the Seals to extract the hostages if you are on Mercenaries...if the Seals are extracting and you cannot kill all of the Seals or run up to the hostages and tell them to "follow" you before the extraction timer runs out KILL THE HOSTAGES..they decide tiebreakers and a killed hostage for your team is much better than letting the enemy extract
    - Use the Hostages as cover...When playing EXTRACTION (not Escort) neither team wants to kill the hostages so if you the hostages in front of you and the enemy is shooting at you they may kill the hostages on accident...if the enemy kills the hostages thats good for your team Socom Gamer Improvement tips. 16x16_smiley-very-happy...make sure you don't kill them though lol
    - Get the hostages quickly at the beginning of the round and hide them in a closed area
    - Do not force anything...remember the Commandos need to either extract or kill your team to win, if you can stay alive without them extracting then you win

    Seal Tips
    - Make sure there is at least 30 seconds on the game clock when trying to extract hostages when on seals side...if game time runs out before extraction time the mercenaries win
    - Use the Hostages as cover...When playing EXTRACTION (not Escort) neither team wants to kill the hostages so if you the hostages in front of you and the enemy is shooting at you they may kill the hostages on accident...if the enemy kills the hostages thats good for your team Socom Gamer Improvement tips. 16x16_smiley-very-happy...make sure you don't kill them though lo

    10) Elimination Tips

    How to Win (Seals): Kill all enemies
    How to Win (Mercs): Kill all enemies

    - Stay alive ... you only need one person on your team alive to have the match draw out if you are not in posistion to win, draws play a very strategic part in this game mode

    11) Escort Tips

    How to Win (Seals): Extract the VIPs, kill all enemies
    How to Win (Mercs): Kill the VIPs, kill all enemies

    Seal Tips
    - BE VERY CAREFUL with the VIPs...it doesn't take much for these guys to die and well a death of VIP is how the Mercs Win. Make sure you have several people guarding/escorting them at all times
    - When extracting a timer will go off..as soon as this starts remove the hostages from the extraction area and out of harms way IMMEDIATELY...the VIP's will run back to the extraction by themselves when needed to (about 5 seconds left on timer)

    Merc Tips
    - Kill The VIPS... that is top priority
    - Watch the Extraction areas
    - Do not force anything...remember the Commandos need to either extract or kill your team to win, if you can stay alive without them extracting then you win

    12) Supression Tips

    How to Win (Seals): Kill all enemies, or have more kills than the opposing team
    How to Win (Mercs): Kill all enemies, or have more kills than the opposing team

    - Very similar to a "Team Deathmatch"
    - Travel in Groups
    - Be careful with your life, do not go out in the open and risk being shot, remember the team with the most kills wins

    13) Control Tips

    How to Win (Seals): Kill all enemies, capture all control points, have more control points than enemy at 0:00
    How to Win (Mercs): Kill all enemies, capture all control points, have more control points than enemy at 0:00

    - Focus on capturing the points they are top priority
    - Do not attempt to grab a point alone unless you are FOR SURE the area is clear (watch for snipers)



    This might help u out with your high KDR goal a little bit

    Male Number of posts : 479
    Location : London, Ontario, Canada
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    Registration date : 2009-01-06

    Socom Gamer Improvement tips. Empty Re: Socom Gamer Improvement tips.

    Post by I_Seiran_I Mon 08 Feb 2010, 1:51 pm

    Great Tips,

    Especially the Camera and the Look speed stuff, exactly how I have it set up.

    Personally, I roll light light and sprint a lot, sprint brief fire fight, displace again. That's how I play a lot of my games....

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Dec 2024, 10:32 pm